Dated AH [6]5[x] (circa AD 1256-1262).
Central Kufic legend:
al-hamd li-llah | la ilah illa | Allah Muhammad | rasuluallah | wahdahu
(Praise be to God | There is no diety except | God, Muhammad | is the messenger of God, | he has no equal)
Kufic legend at sides:
salla Allah | 'alayhi wa-sallama
(God bless him | and give him peace)
Marginal Kufic legend:
(Qur'an III, 26)
Central Kufic legend:
qa'an | al-a'zam | Munaka qa'an | Hulagu | khan
(The supreme \ khaqaan | Möngke khaqaan | Hülegü | khan)
Kufic legend at sides:
Malik al-ard | (garbled)
(King of the earth | (garbled))
Marginal Kufic legend:
bism Allah duriba hadha al-dirhem bi-Irbil sanat [... wa] khamsin [wa sitt mi'at]
(In the name of God. This dirham was struck in Irbil in the year [... and] fifty [and six-hundred])
Diler H12; SICA 9, 88 var. (date); Album 2122.